INPUT Penis Worship – OUTPUT Health Erection





view from knees to navel of naked man with fizzing champagne bottle covering his erection with "for your good health' text in bubbles
Celebrate being the HE Man – the HEALTH Erection Man


HEALTH Erection

view from knees to navel of naked man with fizzing champagne bottle covering his erection with "for your good health' text in bubbles
Celebrate being the HE Man (HEALTH Erection Man)

“To gain an Erection, in absence of sexual arousal or physical stimulation”

Coach Harper at ERECTIONS.IO

Or go to safety of Contact Me page

HEALTH Erection in Absence of Sexual Arousal

Sexual Arousal is not needed to attain an erection as I show you here, it is a state of mind and body…

animated image showing a HEALTH erection in the absence of sexual arousal - from muscle contraction only, partly obscured
The video version of this available at bottom of page.

I coach you to attain the Health Erection – to gain control over your penis with no sexual arousal, – purely through a state of mind and body. This gives an inner confidence and possibly an attitude that helps with both personal and professional life.

side on view of an erect penis to show chambers of penis and the ERECTIONS.IO physiological and psychological inputs with the HEALTH erection being the output
ERECTIONS Input/Output

Coach Men to attain HEALTH Erections on demand

Would you like the capability to gain a health erection, on demand? No matter what your age– all you need is trust in me to deliver this for you through daily penis worship sessions and personal 1:1 coaching by video call or in person.

The HEALTH Erection (HE) will give you a profound confidence that spills into all areas of your life. You will begin to think of yourself as the HE-Man (Health Erection Man).

animated image of naked man looking at his erection that is obscured with bright light flare - but visible from shadow - also bright light flare on his head to indicate mind training
INPUT Daily Penis Worship → OUTPUT Health Erection


lasting vs taking a pill

no side effects, just a natural capability

a HEALTH Erection when you want, in absence of sexual arousal – means a lot may happen with arousal


flaccid penis

due to extra blood flow and penile elasticity

this goal will make you do the healthy things I ask of you benefitting your whole health


a prescription?

turn your porn watching time into productive HEALTH erection training time.

porn when managed can be an erection training tool

for life

going forward

Run your favourite Input program, from memory, any time you want a HEALTH Erection

You’re now the HE- Man with Erection Attitude.

view of naked man laying with legs over head to show close up pelvic floor muscles - ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus - root of penis and testcles, with penis curling round towards leg
Get Your Personal Penis Worship Plan


In week two your feedback will enable me to give you your Personal Penis Plan

testicles being revealed under spinach leaf
benefits of eating greens


ERECTIONS.IO consists of just one person – me the Erection Coach

naked man with erection obscured by logo
top up your erection energy

A Soluble Energy

ERECTIONS.IO consists of just one person – me the

Technology/personal service for the busy man – International coaching online – audio, video, 1:1 video call (or In Person, geography allowing)

an animated image showing hands free erection in 10 seconds using penis worship
It’s all about brain plasticity

= OUTPUT the Health Erection plus…. How you feel as a Man, Confidence, Male Health – especially good for Overcoming Psychological Aspects of ED.