What I Do
I train you in the HEALTH Erection (HE)

I will give you an Erection Attitude that can help
please keep in mind – I only show you these images to motivate you and to coach by example. It is the confidence I get from the HEALTH Erection that enables me to do this – along with experience I am the ErectionCoach.com with 1almost 20 years of penis healthcare experience.
What will you do with your increased Erection Attitude?
You may wish to keep it as an erection attitude – or you can take it deeper and use it for an internal confidence – that testosterone/penis/erection fuelled confidence that can make us all attain great things in our professional life.
I’m passionate about erections. This makes me want to show you just what is possible by training your body and mind.
using my own body – I guide by example – to help Men’s Health: I only show my penis at my websites and to promote my work, NOT to say look at me – but to actually say: look – this is what I can guide you to do. I only show my penis because I’m passionate about improving erections – as we don’t talk about this stuff enough. Our penis and erection capabilities exert a potent effect upon our whole life.
If you feel this same passion for erections?
i now have all this information, knowledge and expertise – that has helped so many men, but also want to help so many more – possibly you – as if you’re reading this, the chances are you’re also passionate about improving your erection quality.
Me personally…
If you want to know more about the relevance of this picture or what I’m doing – I’ll happily tell you all about the positives to be had.

Health – Wellbeing – Fulfilment – Contentment – from the simplest things
Being the ErectionCoach.com
I originally started out with ErectionCoach.com many years ago purely to take in person bookings at my central London training room, but now have membership sites like tis one – as that way if you’re in another country, you too can gain from my coaching. As it is online coaching – I have to work that little bit HARDer to show you I’m genuine.
Wind back the erection clock
As I have got older – now in my 50’s, (all the images and videos at my websites are of me aged 53 – present day) my erection quality by rights would have declined – but honestly it’s now as good as when I was a teenager. Yes , it takes work, but I’d argue – this is possibly the best pay back you could get.
This page contains→ Naturalistic nudity → incorporating a healthy male response → in total absence of sexual arousal.
Be a HE Man and gain Erection Attitude

About becoming a HE Man
A HE Man is short for a man with the HEALTH Erection capability, but a very apt description of how it makes you feel – so much more masculine. “HE” is like a “he” on steroids – natural ones that are downloaded to your mind in the audio training clips, which make you become a HE Man – a man with the HEALTH Erection capability. Then you’ll have erection attitude.
I’m passionate about the Health Erection in the absence of sexual arousal. Purely because once we have control without relying upon sexual arousal, we have total erection attitude and erection capability in both sexual and non sexual situations. This helps us feel great and achieve more in our whole life. The perfect synergy of Male Health and sense of Life Achievement whether in the context of your career or relationships. Or perhaps both.
I show my penis at this website to show YOU all that you can gain, and to motivate you.
I use my penis to show you what works and how. It is important for me to know that you understand this, as these pictures are not to say look at me, but more to say look at what you will be able to do, and all the other things that come as a result, such as increased confidence. If I was to just say the Health Erection gives you confidence – it may not have the same impact as the above image – and others.
Becoming a HE-Man (Health Erection Man) has enabled me to do my job in such a candid way – because I’m passionate about this and helping you gain these great things to.
My Erection Coaching – A Unique Mix of knowledge, demonstration and motivation.
I get my penis out to show you what to do with your penis. As we all know doctors can’t do this. Here I’m free from the constraints of the medical world / hospital setting to show you what really works.
My Passion for Erection Coaching, the only thing that will …
I’m passionate about this – you have to know I am so private and I appear naked on only my web sites – my passion for Erection Coaching is the only thing that can make me show my penis.
Experienced in getting health results+
Physiology at University combined with specific coaching skills honed during 20+ years of my career, both in the NHS, and my own practice in central London, has given me the capability to help men of all ages and nationalities improve their erections naturally.
PROOF MY METHODS WORK Gives rise to a Unique Coaching style
All images and videos are of me and my penis – together showing you what ERECTIONS.IO can do for you. The videos and images I show are not to say look at me, but to show – what you can achieve with a little hard work and by simply being good to your penis. These images of hands free erections on demand are whilst I am coaching you in a video. So you see – I prove my methods work, so you can have ultimate faith in ERECTIONS.IO and me.
All About You & Your Penis
ERECTIONS.IO is all about you. Yes I have put some images up here to demonstrate my coaching as after all if I was the cookery coach – I would be expected to show you some cooking pictures. . Read more

Being a HE Man (a man with the HEALTH Erection capability) for me is a great achievement , having previously had erectile problems and being more mature (over 55).
But I can tell you I now feel more “HE” or masculine than at any point in my life – thats what the HEALTH Erection does.
Should you wish to overcome any erection problems – the key to success is tips and individualised coaching that I can give along the way.
Twenty plus years of Health and Erection Coaching both in the hospital setting, and private sector are condensed into the daily downloads and pre recorded videos – giving you all that you need to gain your HEALTH Erection. Then of course you have the powerful 1:1 time with me in a video call.
Expecting Erection Gains
The speed of gaining erection improvements is very individual as I’m sure you can imagine. The rate at which you can expect to see Erection Gains will depend upon 3 factors:
- the level of service you select from me
- your current fitness & health status (mental and physical)
- your commitment to ERECTIONS.IO training
For Innovative Erection Coaching:
Email me: coach@erections.io
Suitable for Men of any age
Minimum age: Over 18’s only
(If you’re younger and have any concerns please talk to your doctor/physician, a family member or possibly a teacher, or trusted adult.)
Should you decide to become a member all Payment details (such as name on statement) are also always: Male Coach. That’s it pure and simple
Communication is totally confidential. From Initial enquiry through to membership payments – Your information is never to be shared or discussed with anyone.
Please know…
- I’m National Health Service compliant in confidentiality and ethics.
- GDPR & Data Protection Compliant

Here at ERECTIONS.IO I coach by example and in a personal way – which has many positives for your erection – as I guide you to the playful HEALTH Erection capability
And that is exactly what ERECTIONS.IO is all about – playfully stripping away all the complexities of sex, to press reset on a basic body function to gain greater erection control . If you have erection difficulties – normal functioning will soon be resumed – to health mode as I guide you to the HEALTH Erection. Then you can choose to add back in what ever other elements you want – to further boost your erection capabilities and fulfilment.