Having previously coached actors in the pornography industry – I can give you the details – that once you know about, will turn your porn watching time into productive erection training time.

For porn viewing to work for you, it really does need managing.
If you’re into porn – I can help you manage it. But first we need to be aware of the different erections.
HEALTH Erection vs Porn Erection vs Love Making Erection.
They are all so very different.
As you go through your training with me – you will experience the differences between these erections, and when you know what drives them – be able to muster the particular energy needed – for the different type of erection that you want to experience at any given time.
You will never look upon erections in the same way again -ERECTIONS.IO is Erection Enlightenment and porn can be just one of the useful tools you can use, but under my guidance.
Prescription for Pornography
As your coach I can give you a porn prescription, with a view to overcoming any erection difficulties or gaining the HEALTH Erection capability, but you’ll need to have some open communication with me.
If youre interested to know more you can contact me any time.
Manage Your Porn viewing habits