Be and then Get a THROBbing HARDer Member

Erect penis showing corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum and hardness differential
some parts of penis are harder than others.
naked man with glow from mind and from penis/genital region to signify activity and a link
a more dominant sexual mind
Mr Erection Coach at Erections.IO showing his passion for training with his erect penis sticking up
GET your erection attitude

Be a THROBbing HARDer Member and train with the most powerful Erection Coaching there is: Step by Step guide to Erection Mastery: a series of Erection Coaching by audio clips:

  • you can list to in a variety of situations
  • to strengthen your physical body (erection muscle)
  • improve your hormone profile, lower cortisol – raise testosterone
  • increase blood flow to your penis
  • learn how to make your penis more rigid with a few techniques
  • make your sexual mind become more dominant
  • and gain you an erection confidence or attitude as you wish

The audio is for a reason – providing MAXimum focus for your sexual mind – the same as when you are in a future sexual situation – you’ll have all the control needed – whereby your sexual mind will exert control over your physical body to erect your penis when you want.

But only if you train your sexual mind and physical body to communicate – as I guide you with in the audio clips that are Your Step by Step Guide to Erection Mastery

Join as: a tHROBbing HARDer member

and you get all of the above – which is the most powerful psychological and physical erection coaching there is:

  1. Your Step by Step Guide to Erection Mastery erect penis changing colours – me guiding your sexual mind to control your penis by way of influencing all the physical inputs of the erection process – to give you Erection Attitude, Erection Confidence or Overcome ED
  2. 1:1 Erection Coaching by video callpicture of the Erection Coach on a 1:1 Face Time coaching video call– to further coach you in any aspect of Erections that you choose
  3. Access HARDer Erection Xtra Video Guideanimated view of HARDer Erection Training videos – when you want a visual for xtra clarification or just a different learning experience
  4. Stealth Erection Coaching video series Naked erection coach on bed with erection sticking up whilst gesturing in a full on erection coaching session – this is a bit full on, it will not be for everyone perhaps, but it’s there for you if you wish
  5. Plus you get full support from mehead and shoulders picture of the original Erection Coach via the private and secure messaging app that is: Signal. Chat about progress, send me pictures, videos or anything you want. You have your own erection coach for as long as you’re a member and I’m passionate about my job – so chat to me informally or formally as you wish.

You must decide which focus

You have two choices

the Coaching is exactly the same – but you will hear different things in your training depending upon what you want to gain?

Choice 1

animated penis throbbing HARDer
Erection Control Focussed

in the pursuit of male / erection mastery

Choice 2

an erect penis receiving some magic energy from ERECTIONS.IO
Pleasure Focussed

in the pursuit of ecstasy

3 Months Membership (includes one 1:1 Erection Coaching Video Calls): $425 / ยฃ350 / โ‚ฌ400

6 Months Membership (includes two 1:1 Erection Coaching Video Calls) : $550 / ยฃ450 / โ‚ฌ510

To join email me:


โ†’ tell me youโ€™d like to be a THROBbing HARDer Member

โ†’and let me know what currency youโ€™re in

โ†’Iโ€™ll send you the payment/joining info for becoming a THROBbing HARDer Member

Why is this not automated? โ€“ This is really personal erection coaching in every sense of the word โ€“ Iโ€™m there before you with my penis โ€“ often erect โ€“ I have nowhere to hide, so I like to have received at least one email from you. Read more

View the THROBbing HARDer Member Coaching Area

Still want to get Erection Control but want to go cheaper?

Two different coaching methods to consider:

More Info on Step by Step guide to Erection Mastery